Smallish rant

My baby shower is coming up on Saturday & its casual, small, going to be at my moms house. I only invited around 30 people, I'm only expecting maybe 20 to show up, most of them being family or my moms co workers! At the beginning of my pregnancy I would have expected a a big, extravagant shower with 50+ people, but now being 8 mos along, that is notttt the case. So many people who were 'friends' I haven't talked to in months, nothing happened, besides I got pregnant so I guess I'm not fun anymore 😑 oh well, I don't care too much about it. But the fact that I went to all of their baby showers in the past, and the fact that they completely ignored their invite to mine just frustrates me. & now like 5 people have said 'I got him something, but I probably can't make it to the shower' okay, no hard feelings but I know you didn't even get my son a gift and you're just saying that so you feel less bad about ditching my shower. Its not about the gifts, BTW, its about fake friends. That's what I am venting about. My son has what he needs, this shower is yo celebrate him, not receive gifts. But now my own sister isn't even coming & she lives with my mom!!! Hence where the party is taking place 😂 she has plans, but she just made those plans today & has known about my shower for weeks. My mind is just blown. I never would have expected this 8 mos ago, but you really do realize who is there & who isn't in your time of need. I know this happens to a lot of us, I'm not too hurt over it but it still kind of sucks!