Feeling hopeless

Celina • 23. Married to the most amazing man out there! ❤️ and mommy to a beautiful baby boy and girl! 3-09-17 💙 01-19-19 💜😍👣
So I'm 15 weeks almost 16 weeks pregnant and I have this massive irrational fear of throwing up. the beginning of the pregnancy was super rough on me emotionally and physically but thank God I am so blessed and didn't actually throw up, I was just nauseous all day everyday but it seemed to go away for quite a while for the most part but now I've been feeling super nauseous all over again and I can't help but to feel depressed and just so hopeless. I know it seems pathetic to most but it's so hard because I'm facing this seriously deep fear daily and I'm having so much anxiety on top of it which just makes it worse! I had stomach problems before I was pregnant and we couldn't find a single doctor that could tell me what was wrong.. I use to take zofran for it but now that I'm pregnant I personally am not comfortable taking it.. I've been really paranoid about taking any medications while pregnant! Now don't get me wrong I'm happy to be pregnant especially cus my husband and I were trying for what seemed like forever! I'm so blessed to have this baby but this pregnancy has been so rough especially with the depression I've been battling! I just really need some sort of hope!😭 any prayers would be appreciated! ❤️