just why

Lovemylife • Mom to two awesome girls. 1 MC. Had my rainbow baby boy 6/5/2017!!!! So in love 😍
How come no one will confirm this pregnancy? I know I'm not the only patient they have but I'm freaking out this is my rainbow n idk why it doesn't feel real until dr confirms it but it doesn't. I just want Hcg test to ensure my levels r going up and I'm not gonna lose this baby. I know I sound crazy n that's fine I'm frustrated. N a little crazy. I can't wait until the 25th just to confirm. On top of that I have a odd feeling in my lady bits n not sure if it's uti or yeast or normal. Would love to find out. Ok I'm done. Anyone else have no idea their Hcg or anything bc dr won't even confirm pregnancy yet or am I all alone in this?