bet you've never heard a birth story like mine
Your Name/Screen name: Danielle Baby's Name: Oliver Sex: Male Date of Birth: September 23rd, 2016 Original Due Date: October 5th, 2016 Weeks Pregnant: 38 weeks 2 days Baby's Weight: 7lbs 4.5 oz Baby's Length: 18 inches Birth Story or link to Birth Story:
Let's start on Sunday September 18th I broke my leg ( two breaks in the tibia one break in the fibula and it did break the skin ) and had to have surgery where they put a rod into my leg. Everything with baby was looking great as when I fell I landed on my butt. After spending Sunday night in L&D to be monitored I was sent down Monday evening to Ortho recovery. After about 5 hours in that room I started getting contractions about 4 minutes apart and was taken back up to L&D. Contractions eventually stopped as I had not dilated anymore than I already was. Wednesday evening I was sent down to the Heart floor as my pulse this entire time was ranging from 112-152 bpm. While there contractions started again but were only 8 minutes apart so they had me stay there and they would then come and check on me. I was monitored and tested there until Thursday ( for my pulse) when I was finally released to go home at about 4:30pm. Thursday evening I has random BH throughout the evening. This morning at 10:21 am my water broke and I began contracting every 4 minutes. After about half and hour they started coming every 2-3 minutes. So we loaded me into the car and check into L&D at 11:45. Due to a blood thinner shot and a norco I had taken for my leg at 10am I was allowed no pain medication during labor unless I made it until 10pm. When checked at arrival I was at 3cm 80% (11:45 am). By 1:30 pm I was at 6cm. At 2:30 I was at 8cm. At around 3:00pm I was fully dialed but baby's head was kind of stuck after 48 minutes of pushing baby Oliver arrived at 3:48pm. In total I was only in labor for 5 hours and 27 minutes. Everyone was shocked as I am a FTM and I had done all this with no pain management, a broken leg that couldn't bend.
Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.