birth story πŸ‘ΆπŸ»πŸ’™

So lets start πŸ˜…Β 
Days maybe even like a week before I delivered I was leaking amniotic fluid..... I didn't know. I just thought I was peeing on myself because he was heavy. So two days before I delivered I was having contractions that felt like braxtion hicks contractions but were actually contractions because my water was actually ruptured. I had joked with family that I would scare hubby and say my water had broke (jokes on me, it had been days it broke)..... anyways I didnt pay attention to those contractions. The following night again I had those contractions that felt like braxtion hicks, which I ignored again. I go to work like usual and I had a 38 week prenatal appoinment. So at work Im in pain from the contractions. FTM so I had no idea how they were suppose to feel. From what I knew they were suppose to hurt like hell. Again I ignored and leave work early to go to my appointment...... (note I didnt punch out cause I would be back within two hours. To get extra money lol) while there I ask my doctor if she can check to see wether I was dilating and comment about peeing myself. Well come to find out I actually was 5cm dilated and my water was broke. So shes goes ur having the baby today or tomorrow πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ yeahhhhh I was so nervous I went to the appoiment alone. I start to call my mom and husband. I tell my husband to get the diaper bag very calmly so he would be calm. But Hubby starts yelling "baby on the way" at his job, he works with his mom. She owns an optical. So I could here everyone on the background amused for baby. So hubby and MiL rush to hospital. But my mom had to call my aunt to pick her up from our job and take her to the hospital. My mom rides with me to work. So I was so nervous because my mom was stuck at work lmao. Meanwhile I'm being rushed to upstairs to traige and getting hookedup. Yes my appoiments were at the hospital. I have tachycardia and was high risk. So yes I was very nervous to be at the hospital about to deliver alone and being high risk. My first thougt was Im gonna pass out on this bed like I usually do when I experience an emotional stress due to my tachycardia or simply die from too much stress on my heart. Β So im panicking what If I have an emergency c-section? But thank God hubby, his mom, and my mom arrive. Yes all three were in the delivery room πŸ˜¬πŸ˜… I was put on picotion and I'm like well is this all the pain I'm suppose to feel (still felt like braxton hicks) but they start getting worse and I'm yelling get that anesthesiologist in here. I needed that epidural NOW!!! Lmao. And the pushing starts. But doctor says ur not pushing. So we wait an hour and I start feeling the need to push. Couple pushes and my love was born July 27th 2016 at 6:11pm, weighting 6lbs 11oz, and 22.25inches long πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™ yeah I didn't get to go back to work like planned lmao. So mom punched me out. So lucky my boss didn't find out Hahaha 😬
Thats my bubba 😍😍😍