Is regretting pregnancy normal? Starting to panic....dont know how to balance this and career....

So this is my first pregnancy and it wasn't exactly planned. Could've been more careful...needless to say I got pregnant from that one mistake. I had been going back and forth on whether or not I felt I was ready yet. Was excited when I found out, and hubby is overjoyed, he's always wanted a baby. But now I'm second-guessing and wishing it hadn't happened. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love my baby already and have always wanted one...but I just kinda wish it hadn't happened so soon. I have an active career and I just don't know how this is going to affect it. Are my feelings normal?? I'm really starting to career is very time-consuming and neither of us had ever felt like we wanted other people raising our kid, only their mom. I just don't know how it's all going to work out. And I'm really worried that if I decide I do want to go the babysitter/public school route instead of the stay-at-home mom/homeschool route, that my hubby is going to get really mad and think I care more about my career than my baby. His family will def be that way bc that's how they are. Anyone else been through this??