
Breanna • Engaged to my love Ivan. ❤️ 19 yrs old.
So my baby will be fine for a couple of hours during the day and then he just screams and screams like around 5-10 pm I try everything feeding diaper bouncing his swing music pacifier gas drops Tylenol. Well let me tell you some background information, he had pyloric stenosis he got surgery almost 4 weeks ago! His surgeon says he has healed well so I don't think he cries from being in pain anymore I gave him Tylenol while he has in his healing process. He is now 10 weeks old. He does poop really dark I'll include a photo below. But I took him the ER because it's been going on for 2 weeks and it freaked me out, she said it tested negative for being blood and she doesn't think it's an milk allergy because she said it would have red blood. He is on total comfort by similac, he used to be on allimentum by similac, similac sensitive, and the advanced one. They changed it so much because they didn't know he had plyloric stenosis they didn't know why he was always throwing up. After the surgery is when I put him on total comfort. And now he just cries so much he's almost impossible to stop. He doesn't let me put him over my shoulder anymore he throws his body back, I can't hold him like a baby the only thing that works is if I hold him away from me one hand on his head one on his butt and lift him up and down that is the only thing that soothes him. I don't know if it's the formula or what, but she said the reason for the dark stool is the iron in formula. But I really think it's colic cuz he doesn't stop crying and he shows signs of being hungry after I feed him and he finishes the bottle he wants more but he sucks then starts screaming again like I don't know if he thinks he's still hungry from the gas pain or what. I'm just stressing out I try to have patience but it's hard sometimes I try to let him cry and he screams till he turns red and he doesn't stop so I just keep trying till he does :(