why are people in the US so individualistic?

I've noticed on this board a lot of people say things about how it's their right and decision and kind of say "screw you" to the rest of society. You guys don't matter.
 Ex: gun control because my need to own a gun is greater than preventing mass shootings
My kids are more important than the other kids out there that can't get vaccines
I don't want to pay taxes because it's my money. Why should I have to care about other people's problems? I have enough of my own. 
I'm voting trump because it doesn't matter if he's racist. I'm white so it doesn't bother me. 
 Is this a US only problem? Or also present in Europe? I like freedom of choice but why does American society feel like it's all about ME, ME, ME? Keep in mind before I get heat this. I am American. I just don't understand why we can't view things as more collective group with similar goals? The country is so divided and I see it here.