Anyone else feeling remorse and all?

I feel as though I'm the only one struggling to make things work.
Constantly trying to clean up this messy house and cursing my husband, 
Calling him other names aside from a jerk.
You see, We have 4 kids and he's given me one more on the way,
It wasn't intended but pregnancy's what happens when ya don't say it's not okay. 🙄
So we've lived with his parents in this house since we got together in 96.
I stuck by his side because he never tried to cheat on me w/ any tricks. 
We got married in 2000 and he promised we'd move out of here.
I got pregnant w/ our 1st son & couldn't think past how happy I was with our new baby mind wasn't clear.
Two years later, another son was born. 
Then another 2 years after was our baby girl. 
Our lives were completely filled with love and affection from our children and trying to make a life for them here. 
I wasn't very happy though due to his parents constantly making a mess and being hoarders and I made that very clear.
But it has not changed and only has gotten worse now that his parents are VERY old.
They refuse to throw away used plastic utensils they like to rewash just like styrofoam plates and bowls.
The mother has given $30,000 to a man thinking she'd win some kind of lottery being gullible and stupid now she's broke.
The father is so old and weak he can barely walk but refuses to live where he can get cared for-those places for old folks.
My husband works as a sushi chef only part-time,
I'm unable to do shit because of this sorry ass disease called epilepsy that's taken control of my life full time.
I can no longer drive nor do I have much of a memory because of all the seizures I've had.
I'm tired of being stuck here in this house it's that bad. 
Hell I wish at times that God had killed me instead of cursing me with this I wish I was dead. 
Anyhow I wondered if I was alone in feeling like things aren't going as planned 
And dreams and wishes are slipping through your fingers like grains of sand. 
I wondered if anyone else had tears they shed on a daily basis due to feeling like life isn't what it seems
That dreams are just that...dreams. 😔💦
I know it isn't the best poem...It's been ages since I wrote a rhyme. I just...I'm so frustrated with life and my husband and was wondering if anyone else feels like they're the only ones preparing for their baby and not their significant other. I'm trying to get stuff for baby but my stupid husband seems so caught up in his old car's frustrating.