marriage distress

Ok so me and my husband have been married 6 years.. we just had a baby boy who is 3 weeks old and we have a daughter who is 5 yrs old. I've noticed for the past 6-7mo that we do not hold a conversation. Literally none at all!! I brought this to his attention months ago and even told him I was considering ending it and he promised to work on it and be better. Well now here we are.. baby #2 and now that I am alone and have no one to talk to and expect him to come home and hold a conversation with his wife he still does not talk to me. He literally gets home, eats, showers, watches the baby so I can shower and goes to bed.. I'm considering ending this marriage bc I feel like we are not a marriage any longer and we have no communication at all and so I feel it's best to go our separate ways. I still love him and will always have love for him but I feel we've lost it. What would you do if you were in my situation?