SUA Single Umbilical Artery

So today at my anatomy ultrasound it was discovered that the baby has SUA. Of course they gave me the whole don't worry it's usually fine speech as not to upset me but of course being a mom I researched it. I like the odds of my baby being perfectly fine with no health concerns and being able to be carried full term. But on the other side I am worried about the health concerns that may arise, what that means for the baby, what it means for our family and of course how will I cope with feeling so out of control and helpless about the whole situation. I'm really worried but trying not to stress because they told me stress could affect the baby more than the average pregnancy so I clearly don't want to make things worse. Has anyone out there experienced this or maybe going through it now? I would love to have someone I could talk to about all this. Someone that will really understand.