
So I was admitted at 415 due to a blood pressure that was 141/100. Dr. Checked and said i was 3 cent. 50% effaced and at -2 station. He wants to induce to to me seeing spots in front of my eyes and my bps have been slightly elevated since ive seen him.Hooked up to a machine until 11pm blood pressure looking good now. No IV yet. Finally got a room as l &D is extremely full. Finally off the monitor and I don't want to sit down:p haha so I'm pacing the room. Wennt pee and have quite a bit of red tinted mucus! Yah. Lol. Not sure when or if I'll get cervidel and we start pitocin in the am. I'm not tired... I should get some sleep tho....ugh...more to come haha as I progress. I'm gonna try to sleep some