Could i be pregnant, AGAIN? 😳

So basically, my husband and i have been having unprotected sex ever since---forever and after i gave birth to our baby boy 8 months ago, he's been using just the "pull out" method.
Now here's the thing. 
Everything has been fine eversince, im breastfeeding our baby, i get my period every month, everything was as per normal until last month. 
I've missed my period for 2 months now and im feeling nauseous, very weak, tired, and sick. I've been getting cravings but i think thats all in my head. I already tested last month (after the first missed period) but the results were negative. I figured that maybe the HCG levels werent high enough to detect yet? But im also aware that breastfeeding could make your periods irregular.  I dont know.
I gave birth through c-section and im scared shitless to get pregnant and have another surgery while im still healing from the last one. Plus, we're in no position to afford getting pregnant for now. Also, my 8 month old is extremely clingy and overly attached. Im so EXHAUSTED from taking care of him on my own. How could i ever take care of another... However, a part of me is somehow excited and will be deeply disappointed if i wasnt. Eff my hormones. 
Im planning to get tested again next month to see if im really pregnant. Im so nervous!!!!!!Â