Job Discrimination 🤔

So about a week ago I got hired in at my job...Mind you I'm 10w2d. I didn't tell them I was pregnant because I didn't want them to not give me the job. Well, today was my first day of orientation and as a CNA, I know the type of work we have to do. I felt really bad about not telling them so I finally got up,  pulled the manager to the side and told her. Luckily, she was so nice about the entire situation! I was soooo relieved omg. I've read stories here about women being pregnant and not getting a job because they stated that in the interview so I was really nervous. After talking to her though, she said I will be keeping my job and most likely, when I return after birth, I'LL STILL HAVE MY JOB 😊 I'm so relieved lol and excited to finally be back working. And I'll be working overnights so that's a plus for me as well 🙃