Drug free and happy

My baby boy Oscar was born on Aug 27th. My waters broke on my due date while I was in Ikea doing some last minute shopping😂😅😅 or we just went there with my hubby out of frustration coz it was THE DATE but nothing was happening. When I felt a gush of fluid coming out of me somewhere in the kitchenware section of the store (after we devoured a piece of the heavenly Swedish apple pie) we hurried to the checkout counter grabbing whatever items we thought we needed (stress shopping that was😁). The waters broke at 5 pm - got admitted at 6 pm and had my baby at 6:22 the next morning. The contractions didn't start until 8:30 pm and by midnight it was the real deal. They hooked me onto the monitors from then on till I had to push. I hated the straps as they were pushing on my tummy and during the contractions it was the worst. The contractions actually felt like the most terrible menstrual cramps and I used to have very painful period. But I found it was easier to cope with the contractions as they would come and go and would have a break to pull myself together. By the time I was 8 cm my doctor came in which was around 6am i think and a started to push. I had a couple of trial pushes before I got the hang of it, then pushed a few more times and my baby was born ☺ no drugs at all all the way through. When the pain is at its peak you sort of get in a trance-like state and just PUSH because there's no turning back. We can all do it ladies! Trust your instincts, best of luck to all the mamas out there😉