Missed Misscarriage

I just got home from my d&c, yesterday at my 11 week ob appt they couldn't find the baby. In 24 hours I went from elated joy expecting to see my beautiful baby on the screen, to enduring a hospital admission and surgery.
I am heart broken and numb all at once.  This was my first pregnancy.
I was nauseous and vomiting even Tis morning. I am still nauseous, the dr said it may be a day or two. 
I had no pain, no bleeding, I wasn't expecting this heart break. I was excited to be at the end of the first trimester. Out of the risk period.
I feel like my body betrayed me.
My family are a 2 hour flight away, and while my husband is here I still feel so very alone.
How did you grieve?? Did you do anything to make the pregnancy, remember the baby and move on?