
It's taken me a while to work up the courage to talk about my labor experience so this may be long. Sorry! But at my 40 week appointment I was still not dilated and 50% effaced and I was already 3 days over due. But I was already scheduled to be induced the 1st. So the first came and we got to the hospital about 8 am and was checked in and hooked to the monitor by 9am. Which that they said I was already having mild contractions but every time I contracted my daughters heart rate would drop. So instead of medicine to induce me they put a balloon in between 10 and 11 am. The balloon finally came out at about 5 pm. And when they checked I was between 5 and 6 cm dilated. So they started the pitocin. Between 8 and 9 I asked for my epidural. Which at the point they stopped my pitocin.. but after my epidural they noticed my daughters heart rate was dropping with every contraction again. So they hooked me up to oxygen and checked me again at about 11. Which I was still at 5-6 cm but they could feel my water sac. So they were waiting to see if her heart rate would normalize enough to start my pitocin back up.. about 1am the 2nd the doc came back into my room. And told me that if we would wait any longer my daughter most likely would have been born a still born. So they thought it would be best if I got a csection. My boyfriend knew how much I hate pain and hate things like this. So he talked to both the doc and anesthesiologist to make sure I wouldn't feel a thing. So we got all ready they got my boyfriend into the room and they started. The only problem was I could feel everything. So I started screaming "ouch!" At that point the anesthesiologist switched meds and the meds he gave me made me pass out and miss everything... I remember waking up twice still in the OR. Both times asking if my boyfriend and Daughter was okay since I could not hear her and he was no longer by myside. And the second time someone finally heard me and answered me. I was finally able to hold my daughter 2 or 3 hours later. And finding out her heart rate was dropping because she had the cord wrapped around her neck. But I had a healthy 8pound 1 oz babygirl. Who is absolutely perfect. And even tho I wish I would a been awake to hear her first cry I'm forever grateful she's here now..