Have you gotten the flu shot?


I've seen a lot of posts about not wanting to get the flu shot. I've seen some devastating stories (if that's you, I'm so sorry for the struggles you've needed to face).

Everything that I've researched has suggested that the negative impacts of the flu shot are far less likely than those of actually getting the flu.

If you get the flu while pregnant (which is fairly likely because your immune system is not as strong) then it is more likely to become pneumonia than when your not pregnant and can even cause preterm labor. On the other hand, certain strains of the vaccine can cause preterm labor as well.

It's so hard to make a decision but I'm on the side of science. On the side of medicine. I feel that the reliability of human beings that create these drugs is far better than relying on a virus to take care of you. This is my opinion and I'm curious to hear what other people think. I got the flu shot (the one for pregnant women at Walgreens) and had no complications. I didn't really have a choice because my mom is going through chemo and is immune compromised, so I didn't even look into it very much before getting the vaccine.

Let's hear some other stories so women on the fence can make an informed decision.

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