Could I get pregnant?

I was at my boyfriends house the other day, and we were just making out and all that.
We didn't have any clothes on, except I had my underwear on just to be safe. We were grinding and he came, i was far from where he came so it didn't touch me at all, like it was on his stomach area and on his penis. All he did was wipe it off without washing and we watched a movie after that. After the movie we started grinding again, completely naked and I was wet. It only occurred to me after I left that he never washed off his cum from earlier and I was just wondering; 
Could I get pregnant from that? 
I've searched that sperms die after coming in contact with air but it can also be rejuvenated with proper moisture.
Note that I have never had sex (as in his penis in my vagina) so I am inexperienced. 
This may sound stupid and all but I hope everyone can be more supportive and less judgmental on my case x 
Feel free to comment for opinions please :) 

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