My body suck!(Long rant)

Alexandra • how does this work?
So for like two months I've been feeling kinda iffy sore boobs, cramping like I've been cramping for 3months straight not painful like little twingy baby cramps. Sometimes painful like uterine cramps. And then some stretchy feeling on my sides. I've been super bloated too so I feel crappy wearing my clothes because a lot of them are tight so I feel fat and I hate it!!! But who likes feeling fat?? I've also had this nausea sometimes with or without vomit that has been going on for like 2 months now. I thought at First eh probably food poisoning but then I thought yeahh for like 3 weeks.. That's normal right?? Vomit has subsided now just nauseous after I eat anything, which sucks because I love food. Then a couple of weeks ago I say my nipples go this weird thing lol like I was getting out the shower then I say a dark spot on the top edge of both of them. I asked my husband and he was like idk. So no help there. 5yrs you think he'd be able to tell me if my nipples looked different. I have had 3 previous pregnancies and each time had a c-secrion, and recently I've been feeling this burny pulling sensation on my scar so ow! And for a while now I've also been having a probably with controlling my drooling when I'm asleep, I literally have to sleep with a towel because it's become such a big problem! And for like 2 weeks ive been feeling as if i got kicked or punched in the vagina and i feel as if its going to fall off!! I have no idea what the fuck is going on with me. I am also on the pill so.. that May be important but are these side effects?? Ive been on it for a while too!! So is it normal for the pill!!!?? To feel as of my vag is gonna fall off?!!? I have no fucking clue what's going on!!