Anxiety during pregnancy

I'm 23 weeks pregnant and our daughter is our rainbow after a storm, we had three consecutive early miscarriages before her and through the first trimester I was so, so afraid of losing her too. Now it's a little easier, everything seems to be going well and she's moving a lot, but I track her movements every day and get worried of the slightest change in her patterns. I also still have the problem of getting really scared whenever I feel anything wet down there, I always have to check if it's blood or my mucus plug ot something. It's quite tiring to be looking for signs of trouble all the time, I would love to be able to just relax and enjoy my second trimester... Any tips on how to cope with anxiety? We've had three ultrasounds already, the latest at 20 weeks, and most likely the next time we'll be seeing her is when she's born! I feel terrified of how long we have to go without knowing really how she is doing...