breast feeding drinking

Chelsea • My name is Chelsea I'm 23 and a mom to a amazing little girl leigha who is now 5 😊
My baby is now 2 months old .
I have been going through a pretty tuff breakup and I have Been drinking here and there this is my first time breast feeding and sometimes I drink and I'll have my mom watch my baby or the baby's dad but once I feel ok again I'll breast feed her I've. Even reading so much on it and it says it can affect baby's liver and all this stuff and I just feel like a horrible mommy right now doctor says my daughter Is growing perfect and gaining perfect weight and she is way smart but I freaked myself out I feel like a amuture with the drinking and breast feeding I'm consedring just stopping drinking as I shouldn't use it just to stop feelings during the break up I need to think of my baby first please don't judge me we are all human I just needed to vent 😔