preeclampsia induction stopped

Soo.. last night my dr sent me to l&d due to my headache & high blood pressure so they started induction now this morning they want to stop induction because my blood pressure is better now and they want to do a 24 hr urine test because now they're saying that the urinalysis has no protein but the ratio was .5 protein so they're wondering how they got that ratio if there was nothing in the urinalysis but if everything comes back ok tomorrow morning and my blood pressure is ok they'll most likely just send me home.. has this ever happened to anyone as far as the protein in urine? So frustrating! Still have my headache and feel like crap but as long as my son is ok that's what matters but they said if they do send me home I'll be on a short leash and anything that may happen I'll be sent right back here like.. my blood pressure will be high I'll be back 😒 mind you last night they said it's more dangerous to keep him in than have him out