You're weak if you go back to him

In PSC (political science) my teacher asked us the question " if a married woman goes back to her cheating husband, does that make her look weak?" One girl said, doesnt matter how many times he cheated, whether it was one time or 10, that still makes her weak... I argued against her saying when you are married, you make a vow, and if the husband is serious about not doing it again And actually works out the issues And actually wants to stay with his wife, And they do work out after they went through this storm, then It doesn't make her weak. I see married couples do it this often, they work out the issues. And if kids are involved, you really do need to consider them and talk  with your spouse. Idk that's just how I feel. Obviously if he cheats more than once then yeah it would be time to talk about it And maybe consider divorcing. 

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