Anyone else get super clingy right before AF? 😂

Now this is highly uncharacteristic of me, I usually relish my alone time and can entertain myself for hours and hours, doing my own thing all day no problem. I also love spending time with my hubsand when he gets off work, but also respect his alone time too and I keep myself busy quite well. But DAMN my hormones must be going crazy... I feel like I've been PMSing for the past two weeks with no period in sight (no im not pregnant, I tested negative and I have PCOS so irregular periods are normal haha). Well, that means I'm being extra clingy towards my hubby, jumping on him like a dog when he comes home from work 😂 and hugging him like a crazy koala all evening, following him around everywhere HAHA. Thank goodness he's got a good sense of humor about this and knows that I'll calm the f down once my period comes. He seems to be enjoying the extra attention actually haha. Anyone else get super clingy or lovey-dovey right before AF?Â