Tmi no pic. Frequent irregular bleeding

Since having my son 3 years ago I've had frequent, irregular periods. My cycles range from 10 days to maybe 24, if I'm lucky. I feel like I'm constantly bleeding or spotting. I've gone to the doctor several times. She's done round after round of blood work and it always comes back normal. She put me on provera for 10 days and the 7th day taking it I started bleeding heavily, passing large clots, and cramping like crazy! I called her because I was passing clots the size of grapes. She wants me to come back Monday for an ultrasound. My question is what will she be looking for? Does any one have any guesses as to why this is happening. My mom had a large fibroid and had to have a hysterectomy, a few of my aunts have endometriosis. Will either of those show on an ultrasound? I just want to get to the bottom of this..