solid foods and constipation??

Anyone else having problems with their little one becoming constipated with starting solids? We started out on rice cereal which gave him horrific smelling gas, so I switched to oatmeal which he did really well on. Then we introduced bananas which went fairly wel the first few days, he has never been one to poop every day but we went 6 days without going so I gave him prunes and apple juice that day and the morning of the next we had firm pebbles which was horrible watch him try to Pass, then that evening we finally had a good mushy bowl movement also had one the next day. So I decided to stop the bananas and started him on apples with some prunes mixed in that also did sweet potatoes in evening, well I feel like we are constipated again. We are going on day 5 of no poops. I stopped apples and oatmeal and sweet potatoes and have just been giving prunes the last couple days and still nothing. Is anyone else having this issue?