advice needed

My baby was breech up so my OB scheduled my ultrasound for 11/02  I'm due on 11/07... well the baby has now flipped and she told me if I want that I can keep the csection. At first I was petrified of csection, but I think I got so prepared to have one that now I'm scared of natural birth and want the csection😩 she told me if I want next week at 38 weeks we can strip my membranes and see if that'll have me naturally go into labor because I just want this baby out asap I'm so uncomfortable and in pain, as of today I am almost 2cm dilated and she felt baby's head. Would you let nature takes its course and deliver vaginally or go with csection ? 
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Definitely vaginally, a c section should only be used when medically necessary, and recovery is a b*tch. Also, if you plan on having more kids, you can run into more complications. I understand where you are coming from because my daughter was breech and I was so prepared for a c section that I was terrified she would turn and I'd have to face natural labour, but looking back I wish she had of turned, although my recovery was really good, but still if I didn't have to go through it again I wouldn't, and I don't plan on going through with another c section unless I absolutely have to.


Destinee • Oct 18, 2016
You're totally right. She gave me the option of sweeping my membranes next week so I think I may try that but still deliver vaginally. It's experience I think I need to have (:


Posted at
I honestly think that c-sections should on be for emergencies only. It's a major surgery. It takes a lot longer to health from and can cause problems later on.They cost more which is why hospitals love doing them. There are more complications in general and have been proven to be harder on moms (so while infant mortality has gone down, primarily in the US, maternal mortality has actually gone up).I'm not trying to scare you, but those are just facts. I hope that you're able to give birth naturally, if that's what you choose. I'm sure as hell not going to shame anymore for whatever choice they make; I can only give my opinion and some facts. 


Destinee • Oct 18, 2016
Thank you for your great facts & advice! I've decided on going vaginally but will be sweeping my membranes next week


Posted at
Had both. and would do natural by far ! Easier to recover from and depending on how big you want your family after 3 sections is dangerious to you and baby. 


Posted at
I would deliver naturally but everyone is different. Whatever is best for the baby and yourself and whatever your comfortable with. Goodluck Momma 💜


Destinee • Oct 18, 2016
Thank you❤️❤️