Prayers! (long post I'm sorry)

Alexis • LI have a handsome baby boy who is 23 months. I have had 2 miscarriages August & December '15. Due December 28, 2016.
First off I am 30 weeks today. So yesterday morning around 4am I started to have contractions while laying in bed. I at first just figured eh some Braxton hicks. But then they seemed kind of close and were kind of uncomfortable and starting to get more uncomfortable. I started timing them and they were 2mins apart and lasting 30-50 seconds. I tried switching positions, getting a bath, drinking water, moving around, elevating my feet etc. Nothing seemed to make them budge so I called the doctor and they said try drinking two glasses of water and if it's still going on in 30 minutes come up to L&D. Well it wasn't any better by 7:40 am so I had to pack my son up because DH had a work meeting he couldn't miss which I told him to go to and my mil took us to the hospital. They put the monitors on and there they were 2 mins apart but baby wasn't in distress. Dr checked me and said I am 75% effaced and 1.5 cm dilated she also said she could feel her head and said the sac was still intact. The hospital I go to can't deliver before 34 weeks so she called the other hospital I would be transferred to if that's what they decided and they said check me in an hour and if I had changed transfer me. I got the terbutaline shot for her lungs and started on procardia every four hours it took about 6-7 hours for my contractions to slow down but they finally did. I had to stay overnight and get my second shot this morning. Now I got sent home on Indomethacin every four hours. Our short term goal is to obviously take things day by day but to get to 32 weeks, the 34 would be our next and obviously anything past that would be even better. My son was born at 36 weeks. He also gave me some trouble the last month and had the same thing going on. I'm currently on bedrest with bathroom privileges. Which sucks but I know it will be the best for the baby. I just feel bad having to rely on everyone. And everyone rearranging their schedule and having me be a burden on them. Has anyone had this happen to them?? Thank you for reading and please be positive when commenting. Send prayers our way!! 💗🙏🏼