jealousy or anger.

I had lost my baby at 7 weeks and 6 days a first time mom at 22.  My fiancé sent me to visit me parents so I wouldn't go into depression but I honestly think it's making it worse.  I have been here for about a week now and I just want to go home. What I came here to vent about is that my baby sister 19 had a baby that she "supposedly " didn't know she was having didn't tell anyone or anything. My sister while pregnant was smoking and drinking. (Mind you no one knew she was pregnant because she didn't show at all) and the baby came out completely healthy. I tried to do everything right and I lost my baby.  When I see my niece I am in total love with her. She took my heart as soon as I walk through the door. But as soon as I see my sister playing either her and just having a amazing time I don't even want to be in the room. Like what's going on. I'm so confused. I did everything right and I lost my baby. I feel horrible. Someone please help.