My baby boy

I was suposed to be induced September 30th but the labor and delivery ward was full so the nurse called to give me that information and said we will call you as soon as we have a room for you. The next morning came (October 1st) still no call went to lunch with my family and husband. Then walked around for about an hour. Around 1: 30 I got a call saying they were ready for me. I went in they checked me i was 1,5 cm so they gave me folly bulb thing (I think that's what they called it) to help me dilate to about 4cm. Contracts started to become regular it didn't take long and I started feeling really bad pain. The nurse said oh it usually hurts really bad when the bulb is about to fall out and she gave me pain meds through my I,V. It fell out right as the nurse walked out. She came back checked me i was a 3. At around 11 pm I was about 5cm so I received the epidural and they broke my waters. Around 7am I had only dilated to a 6. Labor was progressing really slow I was only dilating 1,5cm every 3 hours. Kept having cervical checks throughout the day. 2pm came around it had officially been 24 hours since the start of labor. They came in around 345 and I was fully dilated just needed to thin out a little more. They started preparing for delivery about ten minutes after that check I told the nurse um I feel lots of pressure and like I have to poop and pee. She got excited and said that's good! So she checked me again and said it was time. She went over with me how to push and how my hubby could help. I pushed for almost 2 hours and at 6:08 on October 2 my baby boy was born. I had such a wonderful experience even though I was in labor forever.