Not as bad as I thought

I figured I would tell my story. Perhaps it will help any other first time mom's who are nervous about giving birth.
Last Saturday started out with contractions waking me up at 9. At first I thought it was indigestion because they were not that bad. After getting a pain that stopped me from walking I started counting and let my husband know. Reached a pattern of 5-1-1 so called the doctor. They had me come in and the midwife on call said they would check me out.
So, we arrive at the hospital and I'm a 4, they give me an hour and next check is 5. We were admitted right away and whisked to a room. Problem, even after we make it through Saturday I'm not making e
nough progress. My midwife finally convinced me to start pitocin to get things moving. It had been a little over 24 hours at that point and only gotten to 7.
So, we start the pitocin. Still holding out, no drugs. But, I'd be lying if I said those contractions after were not intense. Breath in, breath out, and remember how much you want that baby. But, pitocin is not enough, water still hasn't broken and need to keep things moving. Agree to have them break my water and on top of the already strong contractions I can feel the head against my pelvic bones. Holy moly. Again, breath, zen, remember women used to do this all the time with no assistance. I'm starting to get tired and contractions are one on top of the other after several more hours. My husband sat by my side, hand in hand, and every time a contraction would come he would be anticipating and squeezing back when I would grab hold. 
Let me just say, when they tell you that you get the urge to push they aren't lying. Contractions one on top of the other and I FELT it. My whole body was shaking involuntarily and with every contraction I felt my stomach contract and my muscles pushed against the baby still in my uterus. Thank god at about 10 pm they came to check and told me I was dilated and ready to push. 
I spent 2 hours delivering, but honestly that was the easiest part. I was exhausted but the motivation came in knowing I would soon get to meet my little one and find out if I had been carrying a boy or girl. That and the pushing felt good. I know that sounds like a ridiculous statement but it was the easiest thing I did in the 36 hours ish I was there. I have to say I'm glad that I did not give in. I delivered my daughter Rhiannon Allegra at 12:11 am Monday the 17th of October, completely natural, no epidural. She was 7lb 7 1/2 oz and 20 in long. She is the most beautiful creature in the world and I am excited to spend the rest of my life getting to be her mom 💕