Baby girl arrived a day late 8/6/16


So here is my birth story.

I woke up in the morning feeling just fine but with a little bit of cramping, the cramps were on and off and not frequently so I didn't think much about it. So I went about my day, made breakfast for my husband and I, and cleaned the kitchen a bit. At about 12pm my husband and I decided to take a nap since he had a few hrs left before he had to go to work. We woke up from our nap at about 1-1:15pm and I started getting some contractions but nothing to bad so I decided to finish cleaning. After a while my contractions got stronger but I didn't actually know they were contractions since I expected my labor to be the same as my last pregnancy (10 years ago), with my water breaking first. I decided to get the few small things I needed to get packed and also let me husband now that something was wrong and we needed to go to the hospital (at this point my contractions were a lot stronger). Before we left I decided to take a quick shower. As we're driving to the hospital my contractions were more frequent and stronger. The hospital it about a 15-20 min drive from where we live it felt like the longest drive ever. As we're driving to the hospital I get a text from my sister at 2:37pm asking if the baby had arrived yet. I let her know that we were on our way to the hospital (Which by the way at this point I felt like the baby was gonna be born in our car). Upon arriving at the hospital my husband (a first time father) didn't know where to go, or if to shit me on a wheelchair. I refused to sit in the wheelchair due to the pain I was in. Once we checked into L&D I was put into the exam room and as the nurse checked me to see how far I was dialated (I was 8cm) my water broke and got all over the nurse (the nurses hand was in my vagina so the water splattered all over her). The nurses and doctor immediately rushed me into a room to deliver the baby after telling them I needed to push. There was no time to put an iv in me or no time to get an epidural. I pushed about 4-5 times, the last time I pushed everyone was in a panic telling me to push I was clueless as to what was going on. All I can recall was a nurse leaning over my bed on the side of my legs (my baby's shoulders got stuck and they were trying to get her out). Finally my baby was delivered but not before she pooped inside of me and got meconium all over the nurse (same nurse as before when my water broke). So my baby made a grand entrance. She arrived at 3:08pm  weighing 8lbs 10oz and 21in long (we checked in at about 2:45pm). Labor for me was very short and delivery was fast. Not what I expected but it went pretty well. For me personally the contractions are a lot worse then the pushing, once u start pushing you no longer feel the contractions.