Lost baby

We went in for first ob appointment Wednesday. We were so excited, went through the meeting with the ib nurse and dr. I have irregular periods so dr. Decided to do an ultrasound to help date. I should have been 9 weeks, 5 days but they only found the sac, no baby. My husband and I were so devastated. We went home to decide whether to do a d&c or take medicine. Took yesterday off work to cry and think.. I couldn't bear the thought of taking the medicine and having to go through that at home. Had a d & c today. They did another ultrasound to make double sure I had miscarried. During the ultrasound at the hospital they said you have ab- blood type right? I said no I've donated blood and red cross said ab+. They rechecked my blood type and said no it's negative. Either they had a typo or your blood type changed (I guess that is rare but possible?) Or the blood type tests are better now than they were 12 years ago when I was tested and they are more sensitive to pick up the negative. They say my blood type could have been the cause of my miscarriage. It just never had crossed my mind before, all these years I thought I had ab+ blood. I had a rho gam shot before I left. So far feeling ok, not much bleeding. Just hurts a little when I pee. Just really sad.