Unexpected C-Section

Well, I was due on the 3rd of September and on the 8th went for a scan just to make sure my baby was okay because I was over due. His heart beat was fine and he was moving perfectly okay.... they sent me for a sonogram and the tech asked me if I was having a c section .... I said "umm no...." and she said well your baby is about 10lbs and 6oz. I literally CRIED my eyes out. This is my first baby and I was terrified of what vaginal birth will do to my vagina lol. The receptionist called me and asked if I wanted to move my induction to Monday, the 12... I said DUH! So I went in at 530am and he induced me with the pill that goes in my uterus. 4 hours later NO DILATION. So another pill was inserted. 3 hours later dr said I dilated to 4.5 but baby wasn't coming down. He gave me a few more hours and come 9pm he said we needed a c section because baby was NOT moving down. I was excited to finally meet my son but terrified because I have never had such major surgery before. 912pm he was born. And he was 10lbs 5oz . A huuuuuge baby. I'm still recovering but I would never have it any other way. I love my baby boy and how big he is 💙