Loosening the reins

Does anyone have any insight on how to let go of the reins a little in regards to baby? This is my husband and I's first child. I have a lot of experience with kids and babies because my sister has 5 kids I've helped out with a lot.

I feel like because of this my husband thinks I am "better" with the baby and has kinda let me take the lead. I'm also BFing, so that's another aspect I primarily do.

This morning I went to the store and they stayed home. I texted him like 20 mins later asking how it was going. He said the baby was flipping out. I came home pretty soon after and he told me I didn't have to rush back. I know they were fine and he didn't ask me to come back.

Is anyone else this way? Will things maybe change overtime? I don't want my husband to take a backseat.