need to vent and some validation.

So I've hit the 6week mark and have been cleared to go back to work. I do work 3 jobs my full time job is at a daycare during the week and my son will be there with me. But the other two are super part time and on the weekends so I need a sitter. My best friend and sons godmother J's offered to help on the weekends since my shifts are only ever 4 hours at a time. Easy. So yesterday was my first day back at one of my part time jobs, she babysat. It went great. She did great. But today even though a Saturday, I had some training to do at the daycare all three centers had to be there it was mandatory. This took 8 hours now she still said she'd help and babysit today too so she did. But every hour she was texting me telling me he was fussy, that he wouldn't let her put him down and such. Well when I got a chance to call she sounded irritated. And I told her that everything is fine. All he wants is to be snuggled. That's it. Well she got irritated and snipped at me that she couldn't hold him because she was busy doing other things. (She doesn't do anything on her days off but watch Netflix) so I said ok. There isn't much I could do right then because I'm at work. So when I got out and come home. He's screaming and she's doing her hair and makeup. It was time for him to eat anyway so I just swooped him up and fed him. He calmed down immediately. So I had asked her before this if she could babysit on the 5th for another short shift. She agreed. But after today i feel she doesn't have the patience to do this and makes me kinda worried she just lets him cry all day and she doesn't do anything about it. I asked again today if she wanted to babysit on the 5th her reply was "do whatever you want" and then she left. Am I being a crazy first time mom here or should I really try to find another sitter?