Husbands do the cutest things!

I told my hubby the other day that I was running low on mascara and brow pencil, but because my work schedule has been so hectic lately, I hadn't had time to stop and buy more. The sweet man that he is, he went out and picked me up some, and without telling me, put the new mascara and brow pencil he'd got me in my makeup drawer so that I'd find it in the morning. Well, I did find it in the morning and was blown away by what a sweet gesture it was! He's a "man's man" thru and thru, so just picturing him in the makeup section at the store had me chuckling to myself. He must've been just thoroughly confused, because he ended up buying me the completely wrong colors than what I normally use. That's ok, it's the thought that counts, right?! So when I got home from work, I told him thank you for being so thoughtful, and then laughed as I explained to him he'd gotten the wrong colors, but that it was ok because I'd use them anyway. He got this odd look on his face and said, "That stuff comes in different colors? I didn't know!". I laughed again and then explained it in a way he would understand. I told him it would be like if he asked me to get motor oil for his truck but ended up coming home with the wrong kind for his vehicle. He totally got it when I worded it that way, but I assured him it was totally fine, and that I would still use the makeup regardless. The whole situation just had me laughing though. The fact that his intentions were so sweet and bless his heart, he really did try! So I wanna hear YOUR stories ladies!! What's something your partner did for you that was full of good intentions, but just didn't seem to get quite right?! Would love to read some funny stories!!