men don't have problems

It bothers me so much when women try to act like men don't have problems. Both genders have their problems! Men aren't born with a free pass to an easy life. I saw a post that someone made   addressing the issues that mean deal with, and I agreed with most of it. I saw a lot of comments saying stuff like "Aww poor men" or "men don't have it as bad as women" etc. It's comments like that that are the reason that people don't take men's issues seriously. It's that kind of attitude that is the the reason that people think feminists think that women are (or should be) better than men. Everyone has problems, and expectations that they cannot live up to. Please, let's not play "who has it worse?" There are problems that women have that men don't have. There are problem that men have that women don't have. There's no reason for it to be a competition, just respect other people and their struggles.