Just made it!!

Well my husband left oct 15 he is military and gone for 3 months then another year after. 
  I was due nov 1 but IV never made a due date. 
 On oct 14 we were getting DH ready to leave and doing last min things/ DH was hung over as he celebrated with his brother the night before. 
  By 12 I started with real contractions by 1220 they were getting bad and close. 
Me and DH and our toddler in tow rushed to the hospital. I met our midwive their 
 They checked me and I was barely 3-4 cm 
I walked around till I couldn't and it felt like hours on end. I got in the tub again felt like hours my
Contractions where only 10 second part lasting at least a min each. 
My midwive had said my water broke and I need out of the water as hospital don't allow water births. 
I hoped on the bed on my knees and birthed him within 2 mins. He was born 45 mins after my labour started 
Was an amazing easy birth no ring of fire I felt amazing after birth. Up walkinnwithin mins. 
Baby made it 20 hours before DH left. Am so thankful DH got to see our third son and be my rock while I laboured hes the reason I can birth natural. 
And honestly can't wait to give birth again one day lol