I dont understand my mom

I'm 29 years old. I got married 4 years ago. We own a house.

I'm 13 weeks pregnant. 3 weeks ago I told my mom, who lives 13 hours away (airplane distance), that she will be a grandma for the first time. She didn't cry or reacted like everybody else did. Instead she got upset bc I didn't tell her as soon as I got my BFP.

Well, I didn't tell her before because she loves gossip, and even if I told her not to tell she will. She is always talking about how my cousins raise their children (always bad comments). Because of that I don't trust her.

She is planning in coming to stay in my house when the baby is born. I'm moving the guest room to downstairs (I have a split level house). She will have kitchen, bathroom, livingroom, tv, etc. Like an apartment. I'm just terrified that she is going to talk sh.. about the way I do things with my baby. Since she is far is easy because I just don't tell her things but once she is here idk what to do.