am I in labour??

I'm 35+3 today... this morning at 1am I woke up with horrible pains in my stomach and lower back... I don't know if I'm in labour as the pain is there pretty much all the time... it just gets better and worse in intensity... my stomach has been going crazy - I don't know whether it's the baby or contractions but my tummy is getting tight... sometimes I get a really severe sharp pain that starts in my back and wraps around to my pelvis... it's only lasting maybe 5 seconds at most then back to mild period-type pain...
I rang del suite this morning and they said it was probably just braxton hicks... I have had braxton hicks during this pregnancy and they've never hurt like this... the midwife said they're "uncomfortable" but they shouldn't be painful... so I'm confused... maybe I just have a low pain threshold??? As I write this the pain has eased off significantly... which is why I don't want to travel the 1.5hours to my hospital... should I start timing? They're not the typical contraction pains so it's very hard to time... anyone have any advice? Sorry for the long post!!!