Abscess in an embarrassing spot

Okay this has nothing to do with periods or even a vagina but I need to see if anyone else is dealing with this and how they're dealing with it. I'd say around April I developed an anal abscess; that is an abscess near my anus that connects to my insides through a little tunnel called a fiscula. I've had it opened and drained 3 times now..and it was the worst feeling I've ever had. I even passed out the third time. I moved for school about 4 hours from my doctor and it's still open and draining (I know, icky) I have to put a gauze pad in there every day multiple times a day so I don't soil my pants and as you'd anticipate with this, it doesn't smell great so I have to go to the bathroom every hour or so and make sure I'm clean. I just wanted to know if anyone else has had one of these and what did they do to make it through. I'm only 20 and I'm currently talking to someone and we're sexual, but it's really hard to be secure in my skin when I have this thing always hurting and draining...it makes me never want to have sex and if we do its all I'm thinking about...