Just found out it's ectopic :(

Found out I was pregnant 20th September with baby number 2, had some heavy bleeding 4 days later and assumed the worst. Went to the doctors 4 weeks later after many positive tests and found out I was 5+6 weeks and was over the moon. 
I then had some awful pains 2 weeks later and was rushed to a & e they told me my hormone levels were very low for how far along I was. I had an internal scan and they told me they couldn't see any pregnancy anywhere. We went have 2 days later and my hormone levels had only rised by 22% they told me My pregnancy was going to fail it was just a waiting game but to hope it was just a miscarriage and not ectopic, then to top it off the midwife called to book me in so had to explain it all again! I was taken to a & e again on Sunday and they said I needed to stay over night. Went for another scan this morning and they can now see the pregnancy but it's ectopic I'm now waiting to go to theatre and have that and my tube removed. I also have a cyst in my right tube (opposite side). Just looking for some advice from anyone who has had similar, what's the recovery like? Have you conceived after ok?