Only 34 days to go! Feel like death!!

I have been so sick for over two weeks! I was in the ER last Wednesday and they told me I had the flu. I thought I had time to get my flu shot still! 😖 Guess not! The fever and chills went away after a few days but the coughing and congestion stayed. Finally started a z pack. Hoping this will help! My left side hurts so much. I think I strained it or pulled something from all the coughing and throwing up. It hurts 10x worse whenever I do either of those! My little girl is still kicking around in my belly so I know she's good! Only 34 days left until my due date!! Please send prayers! I've never been this sick for this long in my life!! Praying I get through and the z pack helps! I want to be healthy and 100% for my little girl!! 💞💜