visitors after labor

So I'm due in 2 weeks and my husband is very excited and wants his family to come see the baby right after she is born and while I understand that and I also want them to see the baby, this is my second child and I am a csection this time so I know what to expect for the most part as far as how I'll be feeling afterwards and I am not sure how to talk to him about limiting visitors/or at least the amount of time they visit as I'm going to want to rest. I brought it up briefly and he said well I can watch the baby while you rest in the bedroom but I will be breast feeding so there's not much he can do if the baby is hungrey I will have to get up and feed the baby which is fine but I'd like privacy in doing that. Also his sister has 2 young children whom I adore but am not going to be up to having them running around like crazy immediately after I give birth. Any advice on how to approach this with him and help him understand where I'm coming from? So he's not so resistive?