news about threatened miscarriage

Shannon • Ayla Rose - 29/7/17👑🎀 Aidan - 7/3/21🧸💙
Went into work on Sunday the 23rd of October expecting a normal 7 hr shift. Wrong. At 12.30 I took a visit to the toilet and noticed blood on my underwear, looked into the toilet and seen blood dripping, I panicked and asked my work friend to tell our manager and to get my things as I was going to hospital. 
I called my boyfriend crying, trying to explain myself, then called my mum and my sister. I met my boyfriend at the hospital and I waited an hour before I was seen, I had my blood pressure taken along with my pulse. Then I was asked to give a urine sample, while giving a urine sample I passed 2 blood clots, 1 small and 1 a grape size, at that moment I was sure it was my baby. They then took blood tests from me and sent me up to the Early Pregnancy unit. I waited there for 2 hours before I seen a doctor then they had to examine my vagina. With complications I was asked to go home and return the next day for a scan. I had been in hospital for almost 7 hours and hadn't been told anything, I had to watch my boyfriend cry, I've never seen him cry! 
The next day (today) I arrived at the hospital for my scan, I already had my mind set that I lost the baby. Then a miracle happened, a heartbeat and a tiny baby showed up on the screen. I couldn't believe it!! I cried tears of pure joy, I'm relieved and I just can't believe after all the negitivity there was a positive at the end. My little baby is still in my tummy just 7 weeks old. Thank you God 🙌🏼😻
I have been told my bleeding is just heavy implantation but has anyone else went through this? I'm still bleeding now and would like a little advise❤️