Major Body Issues

Hi Guys!  Please comment some help! 
Okay so I'm 16 and a high school junior, everyday at school boys (and even some girls) constantly tell me that I'm too skinny or that I'm a twig. The girls always say that I'm so "tiny" and the boys always remind me that I don't have big boobs or a big butt. One boy in particular said that its like my bones are clapping together when I walk because I have no meat on them. A few days later this same boy proceeded to make fun of me because my wrist was too small and a bracelet that I was wearing had a lot of room in it.  ( I personally don't think it's that bad and this really hurt my feelings.) it's annoying to be reminded everyday that I don't have the body that I should and it's upsetting that they feel the need to comment everyday on what my body is or isn't. I get that I'm not what people consider "thick" and that I could stand to gain a little more weight but people's comments are honestly hurtful and it bothers me a lot. I've been trying to eat more to change it but nothing has been happening and it really is discouraging to hate what I see when I look in the mirror. I never think that I am enough. 
What are some tips and/or ideas for me to come to terms with my body and stop letting people at school get to me? I cry so much about this because I'm just not happy.