12 DPO!!

Hi all, this is my 2nd month trying now...AF due in 2 days...I BD 4/6 days on fertile window and BD on O day...am now 12DPO and only thing I have noticed is that the last 2-3 days only my nipples have been real sore like real sensitive and sore where I can barely touch them it's like a stinging sensation..and had some bad diareah today with really bad cramps not like period cramps..these cramps were like pulling and pinching and they were real painful and seemed to make me feel real sick in the gut real nauseous...it was only while I was on the toilet and they were going away and coming back and then I finished and I was fine then I had to go back to the toilet once more and had same thing happened and I haven't really been feeling in the mood to eat anything in the last 2 days..do these sound promising or just pre-AF?? Fingers crossed and baby dust 👶🏽✨