I blame him 😞

When me and my other half had been together only 6 months I found out he had still been sleeping with his ex! At the time I forgave him he turned it around and we were and to be honest still are blissfully happy! About 2 years ago I had a miscarriage and found out I had chlamydia. Because I'd left it untreated I now have bad scarring on my right tube so it's completely blocked! We have been trying ever since and nothing! As much as I try as much as I like to think it's just not our time, every bfn I see I just blame him! I don't have the heart to say it to him because honestly he would do anything for me, he gives me the world and makes me feel amazing! But it's still there, in the back of my mind. I hate myself for it. Does this make me a bad person?Â